
Archiles function

Automation of accounting
Automatic recognition and extraction of accounting and payment data from accounting documents and subsequent uploading of data to your accounting.
Electronic archive
Clear and secure electronic archive of accounting documents with their data available from anywhere.
Approval workflow
Flexibly adjustable approval workflow and notifications for accounting document processing.
Orders and their pairing with invoices
Creating orders and their automatic pairing with the received invoices at the item level.
Control of issued orders with the budget overruns, detection of duplicate received invoices and many other checks.
Automation of account codes
Learning, automatic adding of account codes to accounting records.
Analyses and statistics
A complete overview of corporate cashflow, document status, approval statistics and payment discipline.
Clear and customizable dashboard enabling a strategic view of the condition of your company.
Mobile application and API
Mobile application for uploading and approval of documents and working with the archive, which is available on iOS and Android platforms. Integration into information systems using API.
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